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Economic Crisis explained
- We need to go back, back to what principles this country was founded on, frugality, helping in charity works, working for what you want. FDR made our government, a government like Rome. Why do you think Rome fell? Because people were given something for nothing. When the Roman government had no money they created a very heavy tax, so heavy that citizens were leaving Rome because they knew they could not pay them.
- I know it is more involved than what I have put here but I am not writing a book. In Greece people became so greedy they then coveted what their neighbor had so would start a civil war of sorts and take what they wanted. I see this now with frivolous lawsuits to line the pockets of those who feel someone owes them something. Stop letting the government tell you what to do, hold them accountable. Stop borrowing from foreign countries. They call all the shots. We import billioins of dollars more than we export.
- How does anyone think that is sound money management. The government is trillions in debt and this "want it now regardless" society is in debt. Research Rome and see what caused the fall. Read about Greece, see what caused it to fall. Read about 16th century Spain. See what happened to it. Get ready, because our poor little country is well on the way of the Rome
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